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Photovoltaic Panel


Photovoltaic panels, also known as solar panels or photovoltaic panels, usually consist of multiple photovoltaic cells that convert photons in sunlight into electrons, thereby generating electric current. With technological advancement and the popularity of photovoltaic panels, photovoltaic panels have gradually become an important renewable energy solution.
Electrical Characteristics
Model Number HJ-425M HJ-430M HJ-435M HJ-440M HJ-445M HJ-450M HJ-455M
Testing Condition STC
Maximum Power(Pmax/W) 425 430 435 440 445 450 455
Open Circuit Voltage (Voc/V) 48.3 48.5 48.7 48.9 49.1 49.3 49.5
Short Circuit Current(Isc/A) 11.23 11.31 11.39 11.46 11.53 11.6 11.66
Voltage at Maximum Power (Vmp/V) 40.5 40.7 40.9 41.1 41.3 41.5 41.7
Current at Maximum Power(Imp/A) 10.5 10.57 10.64 10.71 10.78 10.85 10.92
Module Efficiency(%) 19.6 19.8 20 20.2 20.5 20.7 20.9
STC (Standard Testing Conditions): Irradiance 1000W/m², Cell Temperature25 ℃, Spectra atAM1.5